Nothing Good

I’ve looked through all my sewing patterns, and absolutely not a one of them felt like something I wanted to make with that fabric I’ve got sitting on my work table. In fact, I’m so sick of all these patterns, that I think maybe I need to buy some new patterns. I think a lot of the problem is that I am not the same person I used to be, and my style (and what’s considered fashionable) have changed a lot since I bought any of the patterns I own. And so many of them would have to be sized up, and while I can do that, it’s just a huge hassle. I just want to sew something while I feel like sewing!

So I’m going to look at what’s new in sewing patterns. Maybe this ends with me buying some new patterns. Maybe it ends with me drafting some new patterns after getting some fresh ideas.


Surprise Find

This weekend while I was organizing some things, I rediscovered some cuts of cotton fabric I bought early in the pandemic. I have no idea what I planned to do with them, maybe masks? Who knows. It’s possible I had no plan at all and just liked them.

Anyway, there’s two yards of each, which is more than enough for some summer tops, or shorts, or even capri or clam digger style pants. So today, I cleaned up my workspace, and tomorrow I’m going to go through my patterns and see what strikes me as something I’d like to wear.

Three cuts of fabric stacked atop each other.  The top piece has a light beige background with alternating rows of dark teal, golden orange, and pale grey leaves. The middle piece has a milk chocolate background with a smattering of stick figure like pine trees sprinkled on it. The bottom piece is denim blue and has subtle little silver sparkles throughout.

A Simple Distraction

Recently, I’ve been searching the house for a small mylar bag of specialized potting soil that I know exists in my life, and today that search continued. Alas, I found a shoebox filled with bits of wire and got a little distracted.
A woman's hand holds a pendant comprised of six  coiled copper wire links, each link having a flattened coil on each side. The pendant hangs from a black braided cord.